
Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

How To Skin Whitening with easy and fast

HOW TO SKIN whitening

How to naturally whiten the face is actually very easy and of course how to whiten skin naturally I recommend this highly . Why is that ? because by using natural ingredients then you will not be exposed to the side effects of the chemicals present in cosmetic products today. Actually, no matter what cosmetic wear , but naturally use only and should not be excessive . In addition , you also must be smart to choose which face bleach safe , as we now know a lot of face -whitening products that do not have the permission of BPOM RI .
Having black skin , dull , greasy appearance was tekadang make less than the maximum . Some of the contributing factors such as sun exposure , free radicals , the use of cosmetics that do not fit , genetic factors , and many more
There are some tips on how to whiten skin using natural ingredients . Some of the material is such that such milk , lime juice , yam , and much more . Natural materials that are trusted and proven to deliver maximum results to whiten your skin . But of course there are ways to use it . Without the need to elaborate more of the following beauty tips on how to whiten skin naturally .

1 . Using Lime and White Eggs
How to use the mix lemon juice with egg whites , make sure to evenly and form a paste . After that, apply the mixture throughout your face , leave on for 15-20 minutes then rinse with warm water . Do this before you sleep at night .

2 . using Bengkoang
How to use the mask with manjadikan yam . How to make the peeled and grated yam , then squeeze the grated and take the water . You can put it in a bowl or glass . After that, discard the waste and the results of juice let stand for a few moments . When you then throw it precipitates the water and grab sediment . Then use the results of the sediment topically as a mask on the face , you can use a brush . Let stand for 30 minutes or until the mask dries . Once dry wash your face using clean water .

3 . using Papaya
How to make the puree half papaya fruit alone then rub your entire face . Let stand for about 15 minutes then rinse off using warm water .

4 . using Milk
The trick is very simple , ie apply a few drops of white milk on your face thoroughly. Then let sit about 15-20 minutes , then rinse your face with warm water . You can do this way every night before bed .

5 . Using Mixed Potato & Honey
The way the first potato blender until smooth like juice , then mix with a little honey . Apply the mixture on your face thoroughly and evenly . Let stand until the mixture dries and rinse with warm water .

6 . using rice
The way the first soak in water for a handful of rice overnight , then drain until completely dry . Once dry then blend until the rice into flour . Combine 2 tablespoons of rice flour with a teaspoon of honey , the mixture used for the mask , leave on for 15-20 minutes then rinse your face thoroughly with water .
Now that's some tips to whiten the face naturally that you can try . Do not ever expect a white face when you just do way above the two or three times only , make sure you do the above methods on a regular basis and you will feel the difference . Similarly, review how to naturally whiten the face this time may be useful .

How to whiten skin of the hands and feet it is one way to lighten skin that many people search for both women and men . Whites have indeed been a dream of every person . But strangely in Indonesia, not a few people who have striped skin color , for example white face , but the hands and feet are black or vice versa . No wonder that many are looking for ways to whiten the hands and feet naturally . Well for those of you who have striped skin and not know how to handle it , you do not need to be confused , because this time I will share some beauty tips on how to lighten skin naturally hands and feet .
Causes of Skin Camouflage
Maybe a lot of people agree that the cause of the most common skin blemishes that have hyperpigmentation caused by sun exposure . When our skin is exposed to sunlight for too long then it will lead to increased pigment and consequently the skin was dark .
Well to whiten the skin of the hands and feet you can use a variety of natural ingredients that are efficacious . Such materials include the carrots , rice , coffee grounds , lemon , and olive oil . These materials have been proven to whiten the skin of the hands feet . For how to wear it was not difficult , just here are some ways to whiten skin naturally hands and feet .

1 . Carrot + Body Lotion
The way the grated 2 carrots and add body lotion to taste (about 25ml ) . Then mix both ingredients until blended . Then use the dilulurkan way to skin your hands and feet . Let stand until 30 minutes then rinse with water until clean . Make sure you do this way after a shower and also regularly in order to maximize results .

2 . Rice + Olive Oil
You do this in a way that is pounded rice puree and blend, then mix with olive oil to taste . Once well blended in a way dilulurkan use on the skin of your hands and feet . Let stand for 30 minutes and rinse with water until clean . Do this after your bath , make sure yes on a daily basis .

3 . Coffee dregs + Honey
Namely how to mix the coffee grounds and honey to taste . After that lulurkan the mixture on the skin of your hands and feet . Let stand for 30 groats and rinse with water until clean . This way you can apply after a shower and make sure doing it this way every day routine .

4 . lemon
Namely how to cut the lemon into 2 or more parts . Squeeze the water and use topically on the skin or dilulurkan your hands and feet .

Well that's some way to whiten skin naturally arms and legs that you can try . With the above you no longer need to buy expensive skin care products . So what are you waiting , immediately prove the above , make sure that is done routinely yes . A few tips on how to whiten skin of the hands and feet this time may be useful .

Cara Memutihkan Kulit dengan mudah dan cepat


Cara memutihkan kulit tangan dan kaki memang merupakan salah satu cara memutihkan kulit yang banyak dicari orang baik wanita maupun pria. Mempunyai kulit putih memang sudah menjadi idaman setiap orang. Namun anehnya di Indonesia tidak sedikit orang yang mempunyai warna kulit belang, misalnya wajah berwarna putih namun tangan dan kaki berwarna hitam atau sebaliknya. Tak heran kalau banyak yang mencari cara memutihkan tangan dan kaki secara alami. Nah bagi anda yang mempunyai kulit belang dan belum tahu cara mengatasinya, anda tidak perlu bingung, karena kali ini saya akan berbagi beberapa tips kecantikan tentang cara memutihkan kulit tangan dan kaki secara alami.

Penyebab Kulit Belang

Mungkin banyak orang setuju kalau penyebab kulit belang yang paling umum yakni karena hiperpigmentasi yang diakibatkan oleh paparan sinar matahari. Saat kulit kita terpapar sinar matahari terlalu lama maka akan mengakibatkan zat pigmen meningkat dan akibatnya kulit pun berwarna gelap.

Nah untuk memutihkan kulit tangan dan kaki anda dapat menggunakan berbagai bahan alami yang memang berkhasiat. Bahan tersebut antara lain yakni wortel, beras, ampas kopi, jeruk nipis, dan minyak zaitun. Bahan-bahan tersebut sudah terbukti dapat memutihkan kulit bagian tangan kaki. Untuk cara memakainya pun tidaklah sulit, langsung saja berikut ini beberapa cara memutihkan kulit tangan dan kaki secara alami.

1. Wortel + Body Lotion

Caranya yakni parut 2 buah wortel dan tambahkan body lotion secukupnya (kira-kira 25ml). Kemudian aduk kedua bahan tersebut hingga rata. Setelah itu gunakan dengan cara dilulurkan pada kulit tangan dan kaki anda. Diamkan sampai 30 menit kemudian bilas dengan air sampai bersih. Pastikan anda melakukan cara ini setelah mandi dan juga secara rutin agar hasilnya lebih maksimal.

2. Beras + Minyak Zaitun

Caranya yakni haluskan beras dengan cara ditumbuk maupun diblender, kemudian campurkan dengan minyak zaitun secukupnya. Setelah tercampur rata gunakan dengan cara dilulurkan pada kulit tangan dan kaki anda. Diamkan selama 30 menit dan bilas dengan air sampai bersih. Lakukan cara ini setelah anda mandi, pastikan secara rutin setiap hari ya.

3. Ampas Kopi + Madu

Caranya yakni dengan mencampurkan ampas kopi dan madu secukupnya. Setelah itu lulurkan campuran tersebut pada kulit tangan dan kaki anda. Diamkan selama 30 menir dan bilas dengan air sampai bersih. Anda dapat menerapkan cara ini setelah mandi dan pastikan melakukan cara ini rutin setiap harinya.

4. Jeruk Nipis

Caranya yakni yakni dengan memotong jeruk nipis menjadi 2 atau beberapa bagian. Peras airnya dan gunakan dengan cara dioleskan atau dilulurkan pada kulit tangan dan kaki anda.

Nah itulah beberapa cara memutihkan kulit tangan dan kaki secara alami yang dapat anda coba. Dengan cara di atas anda tidak perlu lagi harus membeli produk perawatan kulit yang mahal. Jadi tunggu apalagi, segera buktikan cara di atas, pastikan dilakukan secara rutin ya. Sekian tips cara memutihkan kulit tangan dan kaki kali ini semoga dapat bermanfaat.

Cara memutihkan wajah secara alami sebenarnya sangat mudah dan tentu saja cara memutihkan kulit wajah alami ini sangat saya sarankan. Mengapa demikian ? karena dengan menggunakan bahan alami maka anda tidak akan terkena efek samping dari bahan kimia yang ada dalam produk kosmetik sekarang ini. Sebenarnya memakai kosmetik pun tidak apa, tetapi gunakan sewajarnya saja dan tidak perlu berlebihan. Selain itu, anda juga harus jeli memilih mana pemutih wajah yang aman, seperti kita ketahui sekarang banyak sekali produk pemutih wajah yang tidak memiliki ijin dari BPOM RI.

Mempunyai kulit wajah yang hitam, kusam, berminyak memang terkadang membuat penampilan kurang maksimal. Beberapa faktor penyebabnya yakni seperti paparan sinar matahari, radikal bebas, penggunaan kosmetik yang tidak cocok, faktor genetik, dan masih banyak lagi.

Ada beberapa tips 
cara memutihkan kulit wajah menggunakan bahan alami. Beberapa bahan tersebut di antaranya yakni seperti susu, jeruk nipis, bengkoang, dan masih banyak lagi. Bahan-bahan alami tersebut sudah dipercaya dan terbukti dapat memberikan hasil maksimal untuk memutihkan kulit wajah anda. Namun tentu saja ada cara untuk menggunakannya. Tanpa perlu panjang lebar lagi berikut ini tips kecantikan mengenai cara memutihkan kulit wajah secara alami.

1. Menggunakan Jeruk Nipis dan Putih Telur
Cara menggunakannya yakni campurkan air jeruk nipis dengan putih telur, pastikan sampai merata dan membentuk seperti pasta. Setelah itu oleskan campuran tersebut keseluruh wajah anda, diamkan selama 15-20 menit lalu bilas dengan air hangat. Lakukan cara ini sebelum anda tidur malam.

2. Menggunakan Bengkoang
Cara menggunakannya yakni dengan manjadikan masker bengkoang. Cara membuatnya yakni kupas dan parut bengkoang, setelah itu peras parutan tersebut dan ambil airnya. Anda bisa menempatkannya pada mangkuk ataupun gelas. Setelah itu buang ampasnya dan diamkan hasil perasan selama beberapa saat. Bila sudah terjadi endapan kemudian buang saja airnya dan ambil endapannya. Kemudian gunakan hasil endapan tersebut sebagai masker dengan cara dioleskan pada wajah, anda bisa menggunakan kuas. Diamkan selama 30 menit atau hingga masker mengering. Setelah kering bersihkan wajah anda menggunakan air bersih.

3. Menggunakan Pepaya
Cara membuatnya yakni haluskan 1/2 buah pepaya saja kemudian oleskan keseluruh wajah anda. Diamkan selama kurang lebih 15 menit lalu bilas menggunakan air hangat.

4. Menggunakan Susu
Caranya sangatlah mudah, yakni oleskan beberapa tetes susu putih pada wajah anda secara menyeluruh. Kemudian diamkan sekitar 15-20 menit saja, setelah itu bilas wajah anda dengan air hangat. Anda dapat melakukan cara ini setiap malam hari menjelang tidur.

5. Menggunakan Campuran Kentang & Madu
Caranya yakni blender kentang terlebih dulu sampai halus seperti jus, setelah itu campurkan dengan madu sedikit saja. Oleskan campuran tersebut pada wajah anda secara menyeluruh dan merata. Diamkan hingga campuran tersebut mengering dan bilas dengan air hangat.

6. Menggunakan beras
Caranya yakni rendam terlebih dulu segenggam beras dengan air selama semalaman, kemudian tiriskan sampai benar-benar kering. Setelah kering kemudian blender beras tersebut hingga menjadi tepung. Campurkan 2 sendok makan tepung beras tersebut dengan satu sendok teh madu, gunakan campuran tersebut untuk masker, diamkan selama 15-20 menit saja kemudian bilas wajah anda sampai bersih menggunakan air.

Nah itulah beberapa tips memutihkan wajah secara alami yang dapat anda coba. Jangan pernah mengharapkan wajah putih apabila anda hanya melakukan cara diatas satu dua atau tiga kali saja, pastikan anda melakukan cara diatas secara rutin dan anda akan merasakan perbedaanya. Demikian ulasan cara memutihkan wajah secara alami kali ini semoga dapat bermanfaat.

Learn Japanese with Easy and Fast


 Learning a foreign language is certainly very good for us . In addition to English many other languages ​​are also very popular and good for learning . Some of these languages ​​are Korean, Japanese , and Mandarin . And also it is of course not an easy language you master quickly .

Well 10 daily readers , of course, one of the languages ​​that is quite popular is the Japanese language . The language even quite difficult, especially for beginners who have never touched at all Japanese. Therefore, the following tips may help you in learning the Japanese language .

Here are 10 simple and fast way to master the Japanese language

1 . Intention and embroidery

Without the good will and determination , then learning the Japanese language will be difficult . Make sure you have a strong will and determination , Establish in advance of your intention and determination to master and learn Japanese. If you have a strong will and resolve it then you will feel much easier .

2 . motivation

otivasi would be very helpful . By knowing your motivation then it can make you learn patience . So is learning Japanese language in particular we should know what we learn , is to be able to read Japanese comics , like the same anime , because of the high tekhnologinya or the other . It will motivate us to be able to speak Japanese .

3 . Learn the basic words of the Japanese language

All things have to start from the bottom . Seerti well as learning the Japanese language . Starting from the numbers , words , and sentences such as Japanese language : I , you , they , he , who, where , love , how are you , good morning , good evening , good afternoon , good , congratulations . The words can be learned in books basic Japanese language does not have to buy expensive , just buy the normal course, you are able to learn the basic language Japanese language . Or you can also mempelajarinyamelalui Google .

4 . Learn Japanese grammar

After learning basic word then it is time you learn grammar . Once you have enough stock of vocabulary , or are able to utilize dictionary and looked up the word Japanese language quickly , so do not hesitate to have a grammar book that is thick and nice .

Learn with regular , diligent , and sustainable . Do not worry if there are some grammar that make you confused . It does not matter , the important basic things you can acquire as able to form correct sentences in the context of the current , past , future , which is already happening , and so on . you can learn gradually. You can also take advantage of the Internet in learning Japanese grammar at this time .

5 . Expand Vocabulary

Make yourself a target on yourself how much you can learn whether or memorize some vocabulary much in a day . You can take advantage of Internet media , Japanese language books and so forth . It helps you learn how to pronounce and write these words .

6 . Expand to read the article

Many reading of Japanese language . Read the article such as in newspapers or on the internet, is intended to enhance your reading techniques quickly . Listen to your hearing Japanese language by watching television that uses Japanese, can also be purchased using the chanting tape that Japanese language .

7 . Listening to music from japan

To train your hearing to hear Japanese, you can take advantage of singing Japanese, listen and compare with the lyrics of the song which can be obtained from the internet , for example the song of AKB48 . Or you can also watch movies with Japanese dramas without regard to or by eliminating the Indonesian language text .

8 . exercise speaks

Learning a language without practicing it indeed has no meaning , and therefore seek your co-workers or friends who can speak Japanese . You can also talk to yourself or thinking by using phrases so you can quickly master it .

9 . Do not give up

Do not ever give up because it takes time to learn the language . Nobody can instantly instantly fluent Japanese . It took a process that could take many years to be able to communicate stage wearing Japanese language well . So start from now so the sooner you will be able to master the Japanese language later .

10 . Brave and do not be shy - shy

Japanese language is not the native language of Indonesia . Other people ( Japanese ) would understand it , will understand , and will never mock you if any say . You need to know a lot of people who can not speak Japanese very well and smoothly still desperate to go to a foreign country who speaks Japanese , and they almost never really teased with language skills are mediocre. In fact, at the end of their sincerity and courage to be able to speak Japanese correctly .

Thank you for reading 10 easy ways to learn the Japanese language . Hopefully the above article you will find a strategy that is performed to learn English Jepan according kesenengan .
Know the Numbers 1-10 In Japanese
 0 = zero / rei
1 = ichi
2 = ni
3 = san ,
4 = shi / yon
5 = go
6 = roku
7 = nana / Sichi
8 = hachi
9 = kyuu
10 = juu

Here are examples of greetings and expressions - expressions in Japanese :
  よう ござい ます: Ohayou gozaimasu ( good morning )
ちわ: Konnichiwa ( Good afternoon )
ばんわ: Konbanwa ( evening )
やすみ なさい: Oyasumi nasai ( Good night )
よう なら: Sayounara ( or bye bye )
ジャ,また あした: Ja , eye ashita ( See you tomorrow , yes )
アりがと ござい ます: Arigatou gozaimasu ( Thank you )
うも ありがとう ござい ます: Doumo arigatou gozaimasu ( Thank you very much )
ドう いたし まし : Dou itashimashite ( You're welcome, thank you again )
スみ ませ : Sumimasen ( Sorry )
スみ ませ : Sumimasen ( Excuse me )
 シつれい です : Shitsurei desuga ... ( Excuse me / Sorry ... - > spoken before asking about personal matters )
ねがい ます: Onegaishimasu ( Ask for help )
げんき です : Ogenki desu ka ? ( How are you? )
ゴめん ください: Gomen kudasai ( " Excuse me " , - > is used when visiting other people's homes )
らっしゃい ませ: Irasshaimase (Welcome - > pronounced at a restaurant , hotel , etc. )
らっしゃい: Irasshai (Welcome - > used at the time of the arrival of guests ) . Here are some other expressions that you can use :
 ごー きげん いかが です : go - kigen ikaga desu ka : how
おーは よお ござい ます: o - hayoo gozaimasu : congratulations morning
よいおー てんき です : yoi desu ne o - Tenki : beautiful weather
おーめ かかれ うれしい です: o - me ni desu kakarete ureshii : pleased to meet you dng
ながい ことおー じゃま いたし まし : Nagai koto o - jama itashimashita : thank you for your time
みょおにち またおー あい ましょ : myoonichi eyes o - ai shimashoo : see you tomorrow
わたし いんどねしあ です: Indonesian watashi desu : I am Indonesian people
 イんど ねしあ から まし : Indonesian kimashita kara : I come from Indonesia
しゅみ おんがく かんしょ です: Shumi wa ongaku kanshoo desu : I used to play music craze
どこ から まし : doko kara ka kimashita ? : Where are you from ?
なに ほしい です : nani ga hoshii no desuka ? : What are you doing ?
ごめん なさい: gomen nasai : I'm sorry
すみません: sumimasen : sorry
おー てすう かけ すみません: o - tesuu kakete sumimasen : sorry bother you
しあわせ です: Totemu shiawase desu : I am very happy
わたし こぶつわちょこら えと です: kobutsu wa watashi no desu chokoraeto : My favorite food is chocolate
いばん ほし おかんさつ ます: Maiban hoshi o shite imasu kansatsu : Every night I look at the stars . Common spoken in Early Talks よう/ よう ござい ます: Ohayou / Ohayou gozaimasu , " good morning "
ちわ: Konnichiwa : " good afternoon "
ばんわ: Konbanwa : " good night "
ヨろしく おねがい ます: Yoroshiku onegaishimasu : " please guidance " / " please help "
げんき です : O genki desu ka ? : " Are you healthy ? "
オかげ です: O Kage desu : " I'm perfectly healthy . " ( Used to answer the " O genki desu ka ? " )
キョ うわいい てんき です : Kyou wa ii desu ne o Tenki ? : " Nice weather today , is not it? "
 ヨう こそ: Youkoso ! : "Welcome ! "
もし: Moshi - Moshi ... : " Hello ... " ( talking on the phone ) . Commonly uttered during the conversation
ハい: Hi : Yes ( to approve something or answer a question )
イいえ: Iie : " No" ( opposite " O " )
アりがとう/アりがと ござい ます: Arigatou / Arigatou gozaimasu : " Thank you "
ゴめん さい: Gomen na sai : " We are sorry "
スみ ませ : Sumimasen : " Excuse me "
ザんねん です: Zannen desu : " too bad " / " very unfortunate "
めでっと,: Omedetto , ne : " Congratulations "
ダめ/ です : Dame / Dame desu yo : " Do not " / " should not "
てき です : Suteki desu ne : "Well yes ... " / " Beautiful yes ... "
ごい/ ごい です : Sugoi ! / Sugoi desu yo ! : " Great! "
ソう です : Sou desu ka : " So so ... "
ダい じょうぶ です/ヘいき です: Daijoubu desu / desu Heiki : " ( i ) does nothing " / " ( I ) just fine " . If the difficulty of capturing Speech Fight Talk
 チョっと ゆっくり いっ ください: Chotto Yukkuri Itte kudasai : "Please speak more slowly. "
モう いちど いっ ください: Mou ichido Itte kudasai . : "Please say it again."
モっと はっきり いっ ください: hakkiri Motto Itte kudasai . : "Please speak more clearly . " . Talks to End
なら: Sayonara : "Goodbye "
あい ましょ : Eyes aimashou : " Let's meet again sometime "
ジャ,また/また : Ja , eye / eye ne : " Goodbye "
あした: Mata ashita : "See you tomorrow " .
other :
  らっしゃい ませ: Irasshaimase ! : "Welcome ! "
ます: Itekimasu ! : " Leave now ! "
らっしゃい: Iterasshai : " Be careful on the road "
 イただ ます: Itadakimasu : " Thank you for the food "
ゴちそう さま でし : Gochisousama deshita : " banquet / dish is finished"
もち: Kimochi ... ! : Comfortable ( feeling comfortable in a place )


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